Leila's Bookshelf
The Freddie Street Cats
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Purraholics Annonymouse Ripest Territory Markings Bookshelf Your Letters The Cat Basket Practical Engineering for Cats The Cats Guide The Juiciest Mice in Town
Purraholics Annonymouse Ripest Territory Markings Bookshelf Your Letters The Cat Basket Practical Engineering for Cats The Cats Guide The Juiciest Mice in Town

The Juiciest Mice In Town

This is the spot for articles from around the globe on any and all aspects of feline life. If any of you out there want to put paw to keyboard to tell us something about life, the universe and everything, just send it to us and we'll include you as one of our growing band of cool cat writers. If you want to write to the editor go right ahead, we love to hear from you.

The Wilderness Weeks
Extracts from the Diaries of Two Siamese Lodgers.

The Wilderness Weeks Revisited
More extracts from the wonderful diaries of Two Siamese Lodgers.

The Naming of Your Cat
A fabulous piece of poetry from Silkius.

Beware of the Human
We feel that cats should be kept informed of what the human world thinks and says about us. Here is a particularly worrying article which discusses subjecting a cat to the most terrible of indignities!! Be warned, 'Cat Bathing as a Martial Art' is not for the faint hearted!

Beware of the Human Part 2
Top 10 Signs Your Cat Has Learned Your Internet Password.

Fenris, Undercover Agent
Fenris goes undercover for Democracy.

The Ancient Art Of Spraying
Humans just don't understand!

Splatt DeeKatt's Column
Splatt DeeKatt's a cat with itchy feet and he shares his adventures with us.

Avoiding Medication
Tigger Alice Tooncis (!) is a real expert in the great feline art of medication avoidance. She shares her tips with us. Anyone have any more?

Avoiding Medication 2
Tigger Alice Tooncis has a terrible tale to share.

How To Save Your Own Life
An inspirational tale from Trollop.

Sassy's Story
The moving story of Sassy and her quest for a home, written by her daughter Marmalade.

Spookys Hunting Tips
Hunting tips from Spooky who's really fond of mice!

Hunting for Beginners
Woody writes about his experiences with hunting and comes up with what He feels is the perfect hunting position.

Oi! Careful with that tongue!
It's a game! We are ashamed to admit that it took us 25 minutes to complete it ourselves. (Mind you, if Jake and Solly had stopped bickering all the time we might have done it a lot quicker! You need a Java enabled browser by the way.)

Stand And Deliver

The Trouble With Humans
A speciesist rant from Casper (who wrote this after getting a ticking off!).


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Purraholics Annonymouse Ripest Territory Markings Bookshelf Your Letters The Cat Basket Practical Engineering for Cats The Cats Guide The Juiciest Mice in Town